Ages 4-6: Typically Pre-K to 1st Grade
LYB Little League offers a Tee Ball program for players and their parents or guardians that is specifically designed to provide a foundation and introduction to baseball that is grounded in fundamentals, fitness, teamwork, and having fun. Tee Ball is coed, with the emphasis on having fun. Teams are formed by schools and teammate requests are honored.

Skills Covered
T-Ball players learn the basics during their season:
- How to properly grip a ball
- How to rotate their body and take a rhythmic step toward their target
- How to catch a ball when thrown to them
- How to set up for a ground ball
- Understand the general idea of getting out at first base
- How to properly swing the bat and hit off a tee
- How to run through first base and stop at the other bases
- Understand the idea of a force out and a tag out
- How to be a supportive teammate
- How to treat coaches and opponents with respect
Games are on Saturdays at Bridlemile Elementary with times varying from 9am to 3pm. Practice days and times are established by each coach. Some coaches combine practice and games so they are scheduled on the same day, consisting of no more than 90 minutes total. During days that weather conditions make fields unplayable, games and practices will be cancelled.
Equipment Needed
Each player should provide their own glove, batting helmet, and bat. Bats must follow the USABat standard - certified Tee Ball bats (26" and shorter) will feature the USA mark and text which reads, "ONLY FOR USE WITH APPROVED TEE BALLS." Coaches also have two team bats for those who are unable to purchase a bat. Gear bags or buckets are also useful for easy transport of equipment, though are not required.
LYB Playerships Available
Lincoln Youth Baseball is committed to providing youth a positive baseball experience and do not want the cost of registration to prevent anyone from being able to play. Please see the LYB Playership request form to apply for a discounted registration.