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Registration Listing

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There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Little League (LL) is LYB's baseball program for K-6th graders (playing ages of 4-12) in the Tee Ball, Coach Pitch, AA, AAA, and Majors. With other LL programs in the surrounding area (Raleigh Hills, Cedar Mill, Southwest Portland), we can focus on a community-based program and schedule games with neighboring LL programs versus just Lincoln teams competing against each other. 

Little League rules dictate the ages at which players can participate in various divisions. The cutoff date for ages is September 1st. As such, players may or may not be currently enrolled in a grade that coincides with each offered division. To determine which division a player will be placed, refer to the most recent Little League Age Chart.  

Registration Available for Several Levels of Play and Age Groups

  • Tee Ball - Ages 4-6: Typically Pre-K to 1st Grade (Spring registration only)
  • Coach Pitch (A) - Ages 5-6: Typically 1st Grade (Spring registration only)
  • Minors AA - Ages 7-8: Typically 2nd Grade (Spring registration only)
  • Minors AAA - Ages 9-10: Typically 3rd and 4th Grade (Spring and fall registration available)
  • Majors - Ages 11-12: Typically 5th and 6th Grade (Spring and fall registration available)

Additional Divisions

For players interested in more competitive levels of play, LYB offers Junior Baseball Organization (14U) team offerings that are subject to winter tryouts.

For those interested in playing softball, please visit the Lincoln Little League Softball page.

LYB Playerships Available

Lincoln Youth Baseball is committed to providing youth a positive baseball experience and do not want the cost of registration to prevent anyone from being able to play. Please see the LYB Playership request form to apply for a discounted registration.


Lincoln Youth Baseball
25 NW 23rd Place, Suite 6-257
Portland, Oregon 97210

Email: [email protected]
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